2008无所事事的海盗The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A Ve

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发布时间: 2018-01-02 12:31    更新时间: 2018-01-02 12:31


在这部无所事事的海盗动画/冒险/喜剧片中,艾略特(Mike Nawrocki 配音)、乔治(Phil Vischer 配音)和塞其维克在同一间餐厅打工,每天重复着日复一日的枯燥生活,它们感到自己的灵魂正在繁重的工作中慢慢死去。三人的心中都有着各自的英雄梦,它们都觉得自己不会在碌碌无为中了却此生,然而残酷的现实预示着,这恐怖噩梦的预想或许就要成真。 某日,一个神秘的魔法球掉落到了三人的脚边,彻底改变了它们平凡的命运,在魔法力量的影响下,三人穿越回了十七世纪,改头换面成为了驰骋在无垠大海中的海盗。等待着它们的,是一位又一位凶险的敌人和一个又一个艰巨的任务,在寻找回家的路的同时,三人亦领略了何为勇气和爱。©豆瓣

Three lazy misfits - very timid Elliot (Larry the Cucumber), lazy Sedgewick (Mr. Lunt) and no self-confident George (Pa Grape) - dream of the day of putting on a show about pirates. With their own problems of might not having this dream come true, they soon find themselves traveling back in time into the 17th century and begin a quest to rescue a royal family from an evil tyrant, and learn about being pirates.

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