2005浮城记]جزیره آهن

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发布时间: 2017-12-29 13:36    更新时间: 2017-12-29 13:36


在这部浮城记剧情片中,这是一部很有趣的伊朗影片。一群落难的人生活在一艘废弃的邮轮上,仿如超现实的世界。人群由所谓的“船长”管理,又如一个国家的缩影。有很多令人莞尔的小细节,比如拿子弹当粉笔用,奇幻又有生活感。 这部影片的制作成本着实很小,整个故事都在一艘要沉的破船上展开。一个寓言式的故事,荒唐得出奇,却又真实的可怕。当影片进行到最后,在荒芜的一片土地上,船长兴奋地向众人指点此处将有美丽的公园,崭新的学校建立起来时,你只会觉得解脱。真的,只是解脱,连嘲笑的心情都提不起来,更别说是去痛恨。船上过着的是大被同眠的生活,有书读,有事做,但是这背后的代价是,拆船卖钱。大家在一艘要沉的船上,过者共产主义式的生活。世界是复杂的,人性更是。你不能说船长是个恶毒的人,他给所有人工作,让孩子读书,他以次换取每个人无条件的服从。在一个与世隔绝的地方,过着没所谓时间的生活。可惜,船终究是要沉的…… 最后的一幕是那个被叫做BABY FISH的小男孩,在将鱼儿放回大海之后,转身离开,突然停下,奔向大海,究竟那是获得了自由还是陷入了绝望?

Squatters, mostly Arabs in Persia, live on a mothballed oil tanker in the Persian Gulf. The children attend a school on board; men harvest scrap metal and old oil in the hull; women keep house and raise children. Captain Nemat runs things with an iron hand, orienting new residents, keeping the books, negotiating with new buyers who may want to scrap the ship, arranging things, keeping discipline. We follow a lad who rescues fish trapped in the hull, an old man who stares at the sun, the idealistic teacher, and Ahmad, the Captain's assistant who has fallen in love with a young woman whose father wants to marry her to someone of means. What future has this sinking city?

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