演出船 (1951)Show Boat

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发布时间: 2015-10-08 13:08    更新时间: 2015-10-08 13:08


The "Cotton Blossom", owned by the Hawk family, is the show boat where everyone comes for great musical entertainment down south. Julie Laverne and her husband are the stars of the show. After, a snitch on board calls the local police that Julie (who's half- African-American) is married to a whiteman, they are forced to leave the show boat. The reason being, that down south interracial marriages are forbidden. Magnolia Hawk, Captain Andy Hawks daughter, becomes the new show boat attraction and her leading man is Gaylord Ravenal, a gambler. The two instantly fall in love, and marry, without Parthy Hawks approval. Magnolia and Gaylord leave the, "Cotton Blossom", for a whirl wind honeymoon and being to live in a Pl: fantasy world. Magnolia soon faces reality quickly, that gambling means more to Gaylord than anything else. Magnolia confront Gaylord and after he gambles away their fortune he leaves her - not knowing she is pregnant. Magnolia is left penniless and pregnant, and is left to fend for herself, and make a new start.

故事发生在十九世纪未,安迪·霍克斯船长率领的有水上乐府之称的《Cotton Blossom》号演出船沿着密西西比河来到某镇巡回演出, 女主演朱莉热情指导船长女儿玛格诺利娅唱歌跳舞。男歌手盖洛德来船上求职,与船长之女儿玛格诺利娅一见钟情,由Ava Gardner释演的混血儿朱莉因与白人演员斯蒂芬婚姻被恶人告发,司法官强迫他们停演离船。船长于是任用盖洛德和自己的女儿替补他们的角色,盖洛德和玛格诺利娅一举成名。

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